staffing agencies generate income

How Does a Staffing Agency Generate Income?

How Does a Staffing Agency Generate Income? 800 450 kupplinadmin

Staffing agencies play a crucial role in connecting job seekers with employers, fulfilling their staffing needs and making the hiring process smoother and more efficient. But, have you ever wondered how staffing agencies make money? In this blog, we will take a closer look at how staffing agencies generate income and how they build their contacts.

Staffing Agency’s Revenue Model:

There are several ways in which staffing agencies generate income, including:

Placement Fees:

This is the most common way that staffing agencies generate income. They charge employers a fee for placing candidates in their job openings. This fee is usually a percentage of the candidate’s first-year salary or a fixed amount.

Contract Staffing:

Another way staffing agencies generate income is by providing contract staffing services to employers. This involves placing employees on a temporary basis, typically for a specified period, and charging the employer a fee for the duration of the contract.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO):

Some staffing agencies offer recruitment process outsourcing services to their clients. This involves handling the entire recruitment process for the employer and charging a fee for the service.

Building Contacts:

The success of a staffing agency depends on their ability to build and maintain a strong network of contacts. Here are some ways in which staffing agencies build their contacts:


Networking plays a crucial role in building contacts for staffing agencies. They attend job fairs, conferences, and other events to meet and connect with potential clients and job seekers.


Staffing agencies also rely on referrals from satisfied clients and job seekers to expand their network of contacts.

Online Presence:

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is essential for staffing agencies to build their contacts. They have a professional website and social media accounts to showcase their services and connect with potential clients and job seekers.


In conclusion, staffing agencies generate income through placement fees, contract staffing, and recruitment process outsourcing services. They build their contacts by networking, referrals, and a strong online presence. Staffing agencies play a vital role in connecting job seekers with employers and making the hiring process smoother and more efficient.

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