Ideal Nurse Traits for National Nursing Week

Ideal Nurse Traits for National Nursing Week 768 512 kupplinadmin

Nursing is a career that focuses entirely on patient care. A nurse is someone who comes to the aid of those in need, relieving their suffering and assisting in their return to health. Every day throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses exhibited their value to individuals, communities, and society by putting their own health at risk to treat patients in the most difficult of situations.

Nurses are deserving of more than our words can say for the sacrifices they make on a daily basis. A time to express gratitude to nurses and their profession is provided by National Nurses Week, which takes place the second week of May each year.

During the week of May 6–12, the profession of nursing and the crucial role nurses play in keeping us healthy and prosperous are celebrated. There are various ways to celebrate National Nurses Week, and this brief history of the profession and National Nurses Week provides a glimpse into some of them.

Nursing is one of the most fulfilling professions one can pursue. It provides a wide range of benefits, including the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives, as well as professional respect, flexible work options, and the potential for growth. It’s critical for students to understand that healthcare is no different from any other industry in terms of problems. However, the labour is both rewarding and challenging at the same time. It helps to have specific personality traits and characteristics if you want to succeed in nursing and be pleased doing it. Here’s a closer look at what makes a great nurse.


Trait #1: Being Empathetic

When you can understand another person’s point of view, you’re able to empathise with them. For nurses, it means putting themselves in the shoes of their patients and trying to comprehend how they see the world. When a patient calls for help, and then waits helplessly as nurses stroll by their hospital room door, they don’t see the dozens of other people the nurse is trying to aid. Only those who don’t seem to care about their needs are seen by them.”

The patient’s entire healthcare experience is transformed when a nurse takes just a few seconds to tell them that aid is on the way. Nurses care for people from all walks of life who are at risk. Patients’ demands and emotional responses are best predicted and understood if nurses have a strong sense of empathy.


Trait #2: Emotional Stability

A nurse’s profession requires a lot of mental effort. Joy, surprise, grief, and irritation are just few of the powerful emotions that can be felt on a daily basis. A nurse’s job requires her to deal with difficult situations on a daily basis, yet in order to properly handle the requirements of colleagues, patients, and their families, she must remain cool in the face of distressing events.

Exactly what does this entail? Does it suggest that unpleasant and even terrible events shouldn’t worry nurses? Emotional stability is not the same as being emotionally or empathically indifferent. A nurse’s ability to manage her or his responses is essential to providing the care and psychological support that patients need. Stressed nurses, on the other hand, have a harder time staying focused, completing tasks and keeping patients safe.


Trait #3: Effective Communication

As a nurse, you need to have excellent communication skills. A nurse’s primary role is to serve as a conduit between the patient, the doctor, and their families. The ramifications can be dire if a mistake is made. A lack of communication can lead to errors in drug orders, missing information on hospital discharge paperwork, and a patient’s life-threatening allergies not being included in their medical records. These kinds of mistakes can have a huge impact in the right conditions. Nurses must be able to read, write, and vocally present knowledge to others in order to be able to communicate effectively.

Health care practitioners also utilise communication as a therapeutic strategy in order to create relationships with their patients. In therapeutic communication, nurses use tried-and-true verbal and nonverbal strategies to put patients at ease so they can express their concerns more freely. It’s easier for healthcare providers to accomplish their jobs when they can communicate openly with one another, which in turn leads to improved patient results.


In countries around the world, nurses’ efforts are today celebrated, although it took a long time for the nursing profession to receive official recognition. In the early decades of the twentieth century, the American Nurses Association (ANA) flourished swiftly after its founding in 1896. An eight-hour workday for nurses became a goal of ANA in 1934, as well as a host of other issues relating to the profession and public health.

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