
How Does A Background Check Work For Multiple Jobs?

How Does A Background Check Work For Multiple Jobs? 1000 667 kupplinadmin

Although working several jobs is not illegal, some people are concerned that it could result in “failed” background checks in the future. Does this worry have any merit? We’re not sure, but the simple answer is no. Let’s look at the truth about criminal records checks:

1) All applicants must be asked the same questions regardless of their race, national origin, color, sex, religion, disability, medical history, or age.

2) Employers must get written permission from you before having their employment screening company run a background check.

3) Employers and employment screening companies are limited by law to employment history, education, and public and financial records.

In Reality, What Are Background Checks?

Similar to credit checks, background investigations are governed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) laws on consumer reports. The Federal Trade Commission is responsible for rule enforcement, and the EOCC provides oversight. ADP and TWN both offer background checks that can be cross-referenced with credit reports to help employers learn more about your job history (The Work Number). But in all honesty, who has time for that? Good candidates can’t be hired quickly enough for HR and hiring managers. They aren’t actively searching for people who hold multiple jobs. They don’t know for sure, but you may have gained approval to do both positions at once (uncommon, but it has happened).

The Importance of Checking Employee Backgrounds

By their very nature, as employers, companies take on a wide range of risks and liabilities, including those arising from the conduct of their employees. As a result, businesses need thorough background checks on new recruits to identify potential criminals or insider threats. Companies typically have their human resources departments outsource the less desirable duty of conducting background checks. This is what the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says about background check firms:

Take Away

The current situation is purely hypothetical. The community data shows that people are getting and accepting employment despite having held many jobs previously. In our experience, it is unusual for an employer to rescind a job offer after conducting a background check. Doing so presents legal dangers related to the potential rejection of an applicant due to protected activity.

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