Big Tech’s Emergence in Healthcare

Big Tech’s Emergence in Healthcare

Big Tech’s Emergence in Healthcare 626 386 kupplinadmin

Healthcare has been a large field with a wide variety of competitors and services flooding the market. As such, garnering a competitive piece of the market share is a difficult task and requires a large amount of capital and resources to create an impact. Big tech companies in 2020 made their way into the market and are attempting to disrupt the space with their contributions.

Amazon is attempting to push Amazon Care which is a virtual healthcare service that combines telehealth with its physical distribution abilities to provide medicinal support in addition to virtual consultations. In addition to providing a service, they are offering job opportunities to help build a salesforce to aid in national expansion. The jobs are centered around “[building] and [growing] relationships with commercial and public sector enterprises” which could mean a wide variety of people could fit in this position.

Apple has introduced Apple Fitness+ which is a subscription fitness service that offers a wide variety of different workouts that can be completed in various terrains and environments to create a dynamic workout routine without the need for a gym. With COVID social distancing protocols, this introduction might have made a larger splash had it released earlier but nevertheless is a step in the health direction and shows that Apple has a vested interest in developing itself in this space.

In addition to their new fitness venture, Apple is searching for people to oversee the development of health sensors and related algorithms as well as lawyers who are experienced with the processes of clinical trials. This is yet another move in the healthcare direction and shows how Apple wishes to broaden its portfolio positively.

Healthcare has been and continues to be an emerging market where opportunities are being created and made available to the public. It isn’t always immediately clear where the opportunities reside, but knowing how to market your own skills and how they can apply to different fields will broaden your range and scope and possibly increase job finding opportunities.

-Azaan Moledina

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